Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm a nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink

And you are too. It's time for the dreaded blog post about political correctness.

Look, nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chinks are out of control. According to them simply saying a word makes you a intolerant bigot. But you gotta understand, the Swag-Generation is progressive. Like my previous post said, "just pass the bowl and don't say anything too stupid and that's basically the recipe for a good friendship". White people are calling each other "niggas" nowadays. It's a new world, get with it.

I recently went to a party for my close friend (he's white), and this was my first time being around white people who were simultaneously drunk and high. The first thing I noticed is that they call each other "niggas" the same way me and my black friends do. At first I was confused that they were so comfortable saying it around me, I joked about how natural they sounded saying that word. As Danny Brown, Schoolboy Q, and Childish Gambino played in the background, I realized that these white kids grew up on hip-hop the same way I did. I couldn't be offended by them saying "nigga" if I tried, context is everything.

Don't get me wrong, racism still exists, but white kids calling each other "nigga" is on the bottom of the totem pole.

I can't blame them, "nigga" is a great word, it rolls of the tongue, no? I feel selfish as a black person to stop them from enjoying such a great word. Especially a word that they hear on a daily basis from famous rappers that they look up to.

Moving on, "fag" is also a amazing word. Don't get me wrong, gay people are still struggling to be respected by bigots and conservatives, this is a sensitive topic. But honestly, "faggot" is a great word, it's one of those words if you repeat to yourself without context it sounds hilarious. I never use that word in public, not even in a joking manner. Simply for the fact you never know if the person laughing at using the word "fag" is a homophobe themselves. I wouldn't want to contribute to their hatred. With that being said...

Me and my brother call each other fags all the time, and it's hysterical. If I eat the last bowl of cereal I'll get called a faggot. If my brother leaves shit on the bathroom sink, he will be called a faggot. To us, faggot has no meaning. It's just a ridiculous word.

I'll never understand why people would want to take away such beautiful words from us. These words pack a punch that their G-rated counterparts couldn't. It's selfish to tell people that they can't use a word simply for the fact you were conditioned to have a superiority complex because of your ethnicity.

I'm  a nigger, so what?

Context is everything. "Nigger" isn't a magic word that triggers my savage black man powers. No word should automatically trigger your emotions. If someone can control your emotions they can control you. They own you. I own the nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chinks that let words control them.

It's weird to assume that someone hates an ethnic group because they use a word. That's juvenile logic.

I've learned at a young age that there are certain people that look for things to be outraged about so they can have attention. I don't respect those nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chinks.

Don't get me started on the word bitch, that word is glorious. If you've never called an inanimate object a bitch for not working right you're a liar.

...........Bitch-ass direct tv.

To survive in the Swag-Generation you have to learn to notice the difference between mental liberation and genuine hate. Call me a nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink, and I won't be offended. I'm fully aware of the history these words have behind them, but that doesn't give me the excuse to act like a nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink.

There are so many important things going on in the word, I'm not concerned with how you feel about my blackness.

Kids are starving somewhere.....meanwhile, someone's on the internet arguing about why we can't we say nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink.

But it's 8 in the morning, I'm gonna listen to Suga Free (because I'm a misogynist guys *wink*) and handle some personal business. Try not to let words effect you and be a happy nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink for once. I swear you'll still get the attention you're longing for.

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