Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Faith is a Beautiful Thing

I never considered myself a religious person. Though I believe in God, the idea of categorizing yourself and secluding yourself from others because of their beliefs seemed ridiculous. Some classify themselves as Christian, Catholic, Atheist etc.. But you see in the Swag-Generation most of us are too Narcissistic to give a fuck about that. Just pass the bowl and don't say anything too stupid and that's basically the recipe of a good friendship. Anyways.....

I'll never forget when I first stepped into a authentic southern black church. It was hilarious. Growing up in California I was used to being surrounded by Ned Flanders' and their stoner children when it came to church. Me and brother tried to look as natural as possible as we tried to hold in our laughs while the pastor struggled to get a full coherent sentence out. It didn't help that there were numerous outbursts from the congregation. But the icing on the cake was Purple Lavender Man.

The Purple Lavender Man was dressed in, you guessed it, purple lavender everything. He literally screamed nonsense during the sermon, I was shocked. For a second I was convinced me and my brother lost our minds because we were the only one phased by this man. He also had a Jheri Curl....so he was the Purple Lavender Man with the Jheri Curl. 

It was a struggle to keep a straight face in church, I was stressed and entertained simultaneously. He would stomp his feet as loud as people during his lightweight seizure-slash-spasms screaming "YAAAAAAAS.....THAT'S TIGHT BUT IT'S RIGHT!". Sooner or later he had to get escorted out the church. Revealing his purple dress shoes. "Black Jesus please take me away from this pain, I don't want to live anymore", I told myself.

Though I still laugh about him to this day, in the back of my mind I somewhat admire his passion. I almost envy it. I know I'll probably never feel about anything the way he feels about God.Which is cool, being indifferent to everything is basically the epitome of the Swag-Generation. Feelings are for simps and good girls, no?

I have no interest in going to church, I havn't been there in about 2 years, but I can't help but feel a positive energy when being surrounded by such happy people who genuinely have faith in something. Regardless of if I agree or not. Faith is beautiful to me, I love being around people who have faith in something. It doesn't even have to be related to a supreme being. Being surrounded by musicians who have faith that they'll be able to go somewhere is a beautiful thing to me. Being with a girl who has faith that I'm the "one" for her is beautiful (sidenote: I'm not). Shit, having faith in just yourself is beautiful. I couldn't be around someone who literally has faith in nothing, why are you alive? To die? I'll holla.

It's not cool in the Swag-Generation to have faith in something, let me make that clear. If you have faith that your music will take you somewhere you'll be laughed at. If you have faith your relationship will be happy your friends are gonna gossip about how crazy you are.

Shit, I'll prolly laugh at your happy ass in church for being so flamboyant for the lord wearing Purple Lavender.

Faith in anything isn't cool to the masses, but it's a beautiful thing regardless. Find something to have faith in, I don't give a fuck. Find something.

Sooner or later you gotta get off the swag juice and smell the coffee.

Quick, I need to earn my cool points back with something raunchy.

 (I totally just said swag juice....)

The doors of the chuuch are now open.

Whenever I get Nas and Frank Ocean in the mail I'ma drop a review n shit. Word.

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