Saturday, July 28, 2012

I'm trying to digest Nas' new album

For the last few years I've gotten accustomed to just listening to music for instant gratification instead of actually listening. Most of the time I can do that and not think twice about it, but Channel Orange and Life is Good are both challenging albums. You gotta listen to every detail instead of waiting for the hook to come.

2011 was a stupid year for hip hop to be honest. Niggas were doing nigga shit. Big Sean, The Throne, Tyler the Creator....

On a intellectual level, 2011 was a stupid year for hip hop, I'm still trying to recoup. I'll probably do a more serious Channel Orange review when I'm ready.

But yo, Summer on Smash is a great song. There's something wrong with you blogger niggas. *ciroc splash*

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My response to the Jamie Rohrs situation.

"If the ____ can't swim she gonna drown".

 Sorry, but if we at a movie theater and shots are fired I'm out. You better not be wearing any high heels if you tryna live n shit.

If a girl expects me to jump infront of a loaded gun for her I failed as a man.

I'll save the babies cause those are my cum-creations, but you? Nah chill, you grown you can save yourself fuck you mean?

"I wouldn't EVER date a man that wouldnt take a bullet for me"

Nobody wants your delusional ass anyways, you watch too much disney and think you're princess jasmine but you really a Maleficent ass mothafucka. I respect women though.

Man look, the anger surrounding the guy leaving his girl at the Dark Knight shooting shows that we failed as a nation. I'm seeing so much bitchass behavior from both genders. Gimme a few days and I'll touch on it.

I'll holla at y'all later though, I got ciroc to splash.

I dont want to hear any FUCKING breakbeats in 2012

I been a Nas stan since stillmatic came out (once again, im 18) so I wasn't a illmatic dickrider. I thinnk Untitled/Nigger is his best album. I prefer nas over commercial beats.

With that being said I'm 7 songs into Life is Good and I'm about to send Nas an angry tweet or something. Man this is some fuck shit. Did Krs-one choose these beats?

Like, No Introduction was fire brah. I thought Nas just being an asshole when he said "for you stuck in the 90's niggas" but this nigga is dead serious.

-_- the doors of the chuuch are closed man. I'm stressed.



If you ain't got no ciroc on splash your duncan hines is irrelevant, fuck nigga.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ratchet: my trip to Louisiana...

I asked as many people as possible about the word "ratchet". I needed to get to the bottom of this. That word is apparently like a cuss word over there. Like you'll get your ass beat for throwing that shit out.

Oh and Hurricane Chris apparently got beat up by special ed kids in high school according to my Louisiana cousins....*stares at camera*

I'm a little disappointed I didn't get a chance to blast "Ha" by Juvenile while riding around Louisiana though. Whatever.

Why I was irritated about Frank Ocean's coming out/Channel Orange: First Reaction

I really don't give a fuck if someone's gay. Especially when it comes to the music industry. It's already well-known that you have to get penetrated by multiple rich white men to be successful in America. So if my favorite artists are gay then #shruglife. So why was I so bothered about Frank Ocean coming out via Thank you notes?

The industry is based off image, when Frank Ocean first started gaining fans (Around early 2011) people talked about his songwriting and shit. How intelligent and creative he was and all that. As soon as news came out that he was bi-sexual he lost a lot of fake fans, meanwhile he gained like a million more fake fans who wanna ride that "I'm so progressive I loooove gay people mmm" wave. Nowadays you can't have an actual music discussion about Frank Ocean, he killed it. Look at his youtube video comments yo....

Now I can't take Channel Orange reviews serious anymore, cause all them niggas talk about is Frank liking dick. This nigga referenced Majin Buu and got Street Figther 2 sound effects in his album n shit and y'all worrying about the mileage of his butthole? Y'all weird.

But what I'm tryna say is.....Frank Ocean boosted his career and ruined it at the same time. I know I contradicted myself, look, I don't need that now. Anyways...

A week later I finally got Channel Orange in the mail, man fuck online shopping.

1. Start

Ummm? Is Frank Ocean saying Channel Orange is Street Fighter 2? What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Oh you want nerd points brah? Fuck that.

2. Thinking About You
 This is a horrible way to start an album. I actually liked this song when it came out.....a year ago. It's still a good song, but word? This is how you wanna introduce yourself to your new fans brah? With a song that Jaden Smith and Justin Bieber covered? I'm not even throwing salt this song is cool but brah....this aint no street fighter 2 music. I can't hadouken to this shit.

3. Fertilizer

......No comment.

4. Sierra Leone

Did you really grow up in Sierra Leone, Lonny? Cause wikipedia is lying to me. But on the real, this song is dope as fuck. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about. But when the strings come in it sounds like Christmas in California. I don't know what the fuck that means but fuck it sounded fly....just like this song.

5.Sweet Life

This song sounds like Stevie Wonder. It's THAT good. I noticed Frank is really a smartass in his music. He's the type of nigga to break up with a girl by singing and she won't even know he broke up with her. Stars in her eyes n shit while he's telling her how much of a spoiled brat she is. Serenading her on some Jodeci shit. Jodeci needa come back.....come back Jodeci.

6. Not Just Money

Frank, please shut the fuck up with these skits.

7. Super Rich Kids

This is the second song in a row Frank uses to talk shit about rich people. Loool. After this album takes off he's probably gonna be one of them though. Then he's gonna make songs about having sex with Egyptian royalty and mummifying vaginas. The cycle continues. Anyways, Earl's verse was kinda wack to me. Like...I 've heard so many songs by this nigga and still don't know shit about him. Nigga I know you can rap...but do you got hoes? Tell me bout the hoes Earl. But yo on the real I respect women cause I'm progressive and shit. I believe in equality n shit...that's why when we go on a date we go half on that red lobster. Oh you thought I was paying everything? Fuck no, we're equal in America now. But no forreal this song is great.

8. Pilot Jones

"I'm ice cold baby..... ICE COOLD" is the closest we'll get to K-ci saying "ALIZAAAY" in "How Do You Want It".
This song is pointless as fuck to me. But I'd let a girl give me a lapdance to this. Shout out to lap dances. Anyways, this song is comment.

9.Crack Rock

Only Swag-Generation would make a song that goes "Crack ROCK, Crack ROCK". I know this song is metaphorical n shit. But I couldn't listen to this with a straight face while the hook comes in. I've noticed this ain't a album full of singles. It's like every song on the first half is a different floor in a hotel....and then you reach the penthouse suite....

10. Pyramids
Pyramids is the at the middle of the album for a reason, it's epic as fuck. The fact this song was the single is hilarious considering it's almost 10 minutes. Frank got a song saying "Crack rooooooocks", the nigga got a album dedicated to Chun-Li, and he came out the closet. Frank doesn't give a fuck about nothing. He's the r&b DMX basically. Except DMX ain't got no crackhead anthems...except "Party Up". But that's every drug addicts anthem so that doesn't count.
Anyways, Frank managed to make a pop song and a hip hop song at the same damn time.And it doesn't sound corny. Well done. He starts off simping over Cleopatra then he's like fuck it I'm a pimp now. He went from being an Egyptian king to being a pimp, to being bisexual. Basically Frank Ocean is Andre 3000.

This song is epic.


So far this is the funkiest song Frank has on the album. This sounds like something that would play in a montage during a romantic comedy starring Hillary Swank and Ben Affleck.
"She's at the stove, I can't believe I got her cooking dope". This nigga think he Juelz Santana. I see you. Im trying to catch the actual concept of the song and so far I think it's about girl's that need a young nigga to guide them through life.Wooord. Suga Free would approve. But I don't listen to suga free....cause I respect women. *blankface*

12. White (Interlude)

Fuck you too, Frank.

13. Monks

This is the number one song I wanna hear live. The percussion is so dope. This nigga almost sound like Ryan Leslie on this. Which is cool cause Ryan Leslie makes dope music even though he look like Drake and scooby doo fucking. But this song is great, so far it's my favorite. Frank needs more high energy songs like this, cause I'd hate to go to a Frank Ocean concert based on the other songs he got. I mean, I would still go to a Frank Ocean concert for the hoes......I respect women though.

14. Bad Religion

This song is 2:55 minutes long? Frank quit fucking with me bro, quit fucking with me. This song is dope. I refuse to listen to this after a breakup though. Fuck that. This is one of the easier songs to understand concept-wise. Unrequited love = Bad religion. Gotcha.

15. Pink Matter

This nigga singing about Majin Buu that's hilarious. But yo, remember I told you Frank was Andre 3000? Well apparently Frank knew that his cover was blown so he's tryna save face by "featuring" Andre on his song. Fuck that frank, we know better. This song is great though, I love the bass playing. Andre's verse is kinda annoying though. You rarely hear Andre rap and when he does, the flow is always annoying. But this songs cool though. I wouldn't take it on a date but if it knocked on my door I would let it rock the mic.

16. Forrest Gump

This sounds like something I'd hear on a pop station. This sounds like some Mandy Moore shit. But it's dope regardless. The lyrics would make a thug cringe (or maybe make a thug aroused, depending on what type of thug we're talking about).


Frank ends the album with like 30 seconds of a song and.....moaning? I don't understand....
Okay, now someone's getting in a car....
Wait what happened to Street Fighter 2? Frank basically said fuck a concept. Word?
This is a horrible way to end an album. Like....this is like the ending of Napoleon Dynomite. Just empty.

Oh and you fuck niggas that downloaded Channel  Orange? Guess what the niggas who bought the physical get?

18. Golden Girl (Ft. Tyler The Creator)

We get THIS shit. This sounds like a circus in the middle of a tropical island. This shit is beautiful. Tyler co produced this, I don't know why he didn't produce more of Channel Orange. But yo, this is a perfect way to end the album.  Why the fuck is tyler rapping on this though? I'm sorry but I don't wanna hear this nigga on a Frank Ocean song.....ever. Even when he's not rapping about rape he sounds like a rapist I can't deal with this.

But yo....I have no complaints about this shit so far, except the wack ass skits. Someone need to yoga flame these skits....

Buy this shit though...Owwww

Stuntin to the max.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm a nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink

And you are too. It's time for the dreaded blog post about political correctness.

Look, nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chinks are out of control. According to them simply saying a word makes you a intolerant bigot. But you gotta understand, the Swag-Generation is progressive. Like my previous post said, "just pass the bowl and don't say anything too stupid and that's basically the recipe for a good friendship". White people are calling each other "niggas" nowadays. It's a new world, get with it.

I recently went to a party for my close friend (he's white), and this was my first time being around white people who were simultaneously drunk and high. The first thing I noticed is that they call each other "niggas" the same way me and my black friends do. At first I was confused that they were so comfortable saying it around me, I joked about how natural they sounded saying that word. As Danny Brown, Schoolboy Q, and Childish Gambino played in the background, I realized that these white kids grew up on hip-hop the same way I did. I couldn't be offended by them saying "nigga" if I tried, context is everything.

Don't get me wrong, racism still exists, but white kids calling each other "nigga" is on the bottom of the totem pole.

I can't blame them, "nigga" is a great word, it rolls of the tongue, no? I feel selfish as a black person to stop them from enjoying such a great word. Especially a word that they hear on a daily basis from famous rappers that they look up to.

Moving on, "fag" is also a amazing word. Don't get me wrong, gay people are still struggling to be respected by bigots and conservatives, this is a sensitive topic. But honestly, "faggot" is a great word, it's one of those words if you repeat to yourself without context it sounds hilarious. I never use that word in public, not even in a joking manner. Simply for the fact you never know if the person laughing at using the word "fag" is a homophobe themselves. I wouldn't want to contribute to their hatred. With that being said...

Me and my brother call each other fags all the time, and it's hysterical. If I eat the last bowl of cereal I'll get called a faggot. If my brother leaves shit on the bathroom sink, he will be called a faggot. To us, faggot has no meaning. It's just a ridiculous word.

I'll never understand why people would want to take away such beautiful words from us. These words pack a punch that their G-rated counterparts couldn't. It's selfish to tell people that they can't use a word simply for the fact you were conditioned to have a superiority complex because of your ethnicity.

I'm  a nigger, so what?

Context is everything. "Nigger" isn't a magic word that triggers my savage black man powers. No word should automatically trigger your emotions. If someone can control your emotions they can control you. They own you. I own the nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chinks that let words control them.

It's weird to assume that someone hates an ethnic group because they use a word. That's juvenile logic.

I've learned at a young age that there are certain people that look for things to be outraged about so they can have attention. I don't respect those nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chinks.

Don't get me started on the word bitch, that word is glorious. If you've never called an inanimate object a bitch for not working right you're a liar.

...........Bitch-ass direct tv.

To survive in the Swag-Generation you have to learn to notice the difference between mental liberation and genuine hate. Call me a nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink, and I won't be offended. I'm fully aware of the history these words have behind them, but that doesn't give me the excuse to act like a nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink.

There are so many important things going on in the word, I'm not concerned with how you feel about my blackness.

Kids are starving somewhere.....meanwhile, someone's on the internet arguing about why we can't we say nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink.

But it's 8 in the morning, I'm gonna listen to Suga Free (because I'm a misogynist guys *wink*) and handle some personal business. Try not to let words effect you and be a happy nigger/bitch/fag/cunt/spic/kike/chink for once. I swear you'll still get the attention you're longing for.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Faith is a Beautiful Thing

I never considered myself a religious person. Though I believe in God, the idea of categorizing yourself and secluding yourself from others because of their beliefs seemed ridiculous. Some classify themselves as Christian, Catholic, Atheist etc.. But you see in the Swag-Generation most of us are too Narcissistic to give a fuck about that. Just pass the bowl and don't say anything too stupid and that's basically the recipe of a good friendship. Anyways.....

I'll never forget when I first stepped into a authentic southern black church. It was hilarious. Growing up in California I was used to being surrounded by Ned Flanders' and their stoner children when it came to church. Me and brother tried to look as natural as possible as we tried to hold in our laughs while the pastor struggled to get a full coherent sentence out. It didn't help that there were numerous outbursts from the congregation. But the icing on the cake was Purple Lavender Man.

The Purple Lavender Man was dressed in, you guessed it, purple lavender everything. He literally screamed nonsense during the sermon, I was shocked. For a second I was convinced me and my brother lost our minds because we were the only one phased by this man. He also had a Jheri he was the Purple Lavender Man with the Jheri Curl. 

It was a struggle to keep a straight face in church, I was stressed and entertained simultaneously. He would stomp his feet as loud as people during his lightweight seizure-slash-spasms screaming "YAAAAAAAS.....THAT'S TIGHT BUT IT'S RIGHT!". Sooner or later he had to get escorted out the church. Revealing his purple dress shoes. "Black Jesus please take me away from this pain, I don't want to live anymore", I told myself.

Though I still laugh about him to this day, in the back of my mind I somewhat admire his passion. I almost envy it. I know I'll probably never feel about anything the way he feels about God.Which is cool, being indifferent to everything is basically the epitome of the Swag-Generation. Feelings are for simps and good girls, no?

I have no interest in going to church, I havn't been there in about 2 years, but I can't help but feel a positive energy when being surrounded by such happy people who genuinely have faith in something. Regardless of if I agree or not. Faith is beautiful to me, I love being around people who have faith in something. It doesn't even have to be related to a supreme being. Being surrounded by musicians who have faith that they'll be able to go somewhere is a beautiful thing to me. Being with a girl who has faith that I'm the "one" for her is beautiful (sidenote: I'm not). Shit, having faith in just yourself is beautiful. I couldn't be around someone who literally has faith in nothing, why are you alive? To die? I'll holla.

It's not cool in the Swag-Generation to have faith in something, let me make that clear. If you have faith that your music will take you somewhere you'll be laughed at. If you have faith your relationship will be happy your friends are gonna gossip about how crazy you are.

Shit, I'll prolly laugh at your happy ass in church for being so flamboyant for the lord wearing Purple Lavender.

Faith in anything isn't cool to the masses, but it's a beautiful thing regardless. Find something to have faith in, I don't give a fuck. Find something.

Sooner or later you gotta get off the swag juice and smell the coffee.

Quick, I need to earn my cool points back with something raunchy.

 (I totally just said swag juice....)

The doors of the chuuch are now open.

Whenever I get Nas and Frank Ocean in the mail I'ma drop a review n shit. Word.

Decisions Decisions

Why the hell did Nas and Frank Ocean release two of the biggest albums of the year on the same day?


And honestly, I was kinda irritated that Frank Ocean decided to come out. I'll touch on that on a different day though. I got obligations right now. Also today's post will be about Faith.....nah forreal atheists come back I'm not gonna make you uncomfortable and shit the Swag-Generation is all about being progressive n shit. Come back later.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Homemade Whole wheat pizza with fresh vegetables

I'm bougie as fuck, it's official.

*sips smoothie*

Like we always do bout this time...

The names S.G. Brando,a young nigga (yes, "nigga", the politically correct blog is that way) born in Arizona, raised in the gated communities of California, and currently located in Tennessee surrounded by Bobby Hill clones and what-not.....

Man look, fuck an introduction I just want y'all to know it's a new generation. Fuck how you feel. I'm here to be a guide for living in the Swag Generation. Honestly, I hate the word swag, but that's neither here nor there. There's a divide going on, old niggas don't know how to adapt, and young niggas don't how to act out here. To top it off Andre 3000 is on heroin, I'm stressed. But look, I'm here to help y'all during these sour times (word to Portishead). What made me want to start a blog? Well it all started when.....

The thong song changed my life. It changed yours too. Let me take it back to February 2000, a year before the devastation of 9/11, 2 months after Y2K. The world was in bliss. Andre 3000 was making music and what-not. But something was different....

Women were different....I started noticing things. Things that I shouldn't notice. Their Ass. I was enamored. Mind you, I was 6 at the time. Still a horny bastard nonetheless. Thankfully I wasn't alone. Instead of being self conscious about the size of their tits, women were obsessed with their Ass. Why? Because men were obsessed with Ass.

Now look, black people are the trendsetters of America, probably the world. That's debatable. I don't even think the love for Ass was mainstream until around the early 2000's. Girls started getting fake butts tryna keep up with Beyonce and J-Lo. Personally, I never understood the obsession, but seeing Cherokee D'ass and Pinky at a young age conditioned me thoroughly. Back to the point...

Sisqo started a movement, y'all. He made it okay for guys like me to like Ass. Mind you, Sir Mix-A-Lot dedicated a popular song to Ass, but that song was seen as a was a novelty song.

Sisqo meant business

Sisqo knew what he was doing, women were unaware that guys genuinely loved Ass. They thought it was a joke, something that only savage black guys liked. Meanwhile Andrew is wearing shades indoors because he doesn't want to be caught staring at Laquisha. The thong song liberated Andrew from his shame.

Listen to how the song starts...

"This thing right here........
Is lettin all the ladies know.......
What guys talk about
......You know
The finer things in life
Check it out"

Sisqo knew he was changing the world with this song. Notice how as the song progresses he sings the same verse with more intensity? Sisqo knew that he was taking a huge risk with this song but he sacrificed himself so men like me could be free. Sisqo is a matyr for Ass.

Thank you Sisqo,


In order for you old niggas to understand this swag generation you gotta understand Sisqo and his impact.
In order for you young niggas to understand yourself you gotta listen to me, I got y'all.
Ladies, don't ever be ashamed of your Ass. Embrace your body.....embrace it for Sisqo.

Now, I've noticed alotta black women speculate about Sisqo's sexuality because of his mannerisms and what-not. To some, a man loving ass is a sign of homosexuality, I'm chillin though. I'll touch on that later. Peace.

 The Doors of the Chuuch are now open.